A photo of Rob and Corinne in a field
The Straw Horses
~ darkly delicious original folk music ~
A drawing of a straw horse


The Straw Horses are stabled at Ludo Phonographic in Glastonbury.
Email us using contact@thestrawhorses.co.uk.

We're on Soundcloud here: https://soundcloud.com/thestrawhorses

All of our videos are on the Ludo Phonographic channel here: https://www.youtube.com/ludophonographic

Rob Bray's online base is https://ludomusic.co.uk.

Corinne Lucy has a facebook page for her own music.

Our two albums were co-written with Mavis Ellen Jackson, who also initiated the Straw Horses project in 2013 via her proposal for the Calendar album.  Mavis's website is www.mavisellenjackson.co.uk.

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